Kudos! An Unusual Treatment – Book Launch

  Dom just had his book launch yesterday (February 17, 2012). It was awe-inspiring, yet it was also a very cozy event. I was star-struck as I got to be with celebrities in attendance , no less than Dr. Ricardo De Ungria, Ms. Aida Rivera Ford, Ms. Jeanne Lim, among other esteemed writers were there to show their support to Dom as their colleague and friend. It was also, overall, very cozy as you see Dom and Emily’s families witnessing the event with much pride and joy in their faces. Dom’s supporters from the Humanities and Engineering Divisions, Ingenuity, SALEM, and a lot more came to get their hands on a copy of the book. I did too, and until now I am still enjoying the short stories. My top favorites, thus far, are Matrice and Leg Men (I’m saving the “An Unusual Treatment” story for last,  i bet it’ll be the best).

As a bonus, we got treats from Emily’s merienda table. The cake sculpture was AMAH-ZING!

Kudos, to the DOM. Truly an exceptional, uncommon, unusual feat!

To Become (Shared Passion… Shared Vision 2012)

To My Passionate Colleagues at the CS Div:
I pray that you may also be blessed with the same experience and even more.

With much love, me.

January 25 to 27 – Three days and two nights of memorable encounters with :

(1) Passionate Colleagues in the College Unit (both awe-inspiring mentors who are institutions within this institution and younger ones who are infectious with their energies and drives). Amidst these people, one gets blessed with how passion took on many varied forms, sometimes not recognizable by the naked eye, in this great institution. Hearing the rich experience of the lives (personal and professional) of these people was so overwhelmingly heartwarming and moving.

(2)Unexpectedly, there is also a deep encounter with the self. Passions inside emerge and we get to a better understanding of these. We will come to terms with the reasons why deep inside we have a deep appreciation and love for the Ateneo (AdDU), not despite and in spite of … but because of, just because.

(3) and most of all, because this “planning” is in man-made Eden which waited for years to bloom and grow for it to be what it is today, and, as they say, a garden is an attempt for man to regain and become what man was truly meant to be, the third and most important Encounter, through Grace, made this experience very memorable.